
Showing posts from 2017

ICT in Classroom

Teaching in now days is not same as ten years ago. We can't resist the development of technology, in fact a lot of students bring their own smartphone to classroom and they just focus on their chatroom rather than classroom. So what can we do as a teacher to engage them in class? Oke, Herewith I share you the power point of the use of ICT in Classroom . The PPT is not belong to me, it is belong to Ms Prima Aditya from Sekolah Cikal Cilandak. By reading this power point you will know about some cool apps, teaching strategies, and also assignment that maybe you can use in your classroom. "Technology will never replace great teachers, but technology in the hands of great teacher can be transformational" George Cuoros. What do you think about power point that I share to you? Do you have a new idea about teaching strategies or method that maybe you can use? or maybe do you know about some cool apps that is not mention on this powerpoint? let me know? you can share your ...

Everybody has their own timezone.

It's been 6 years since my last post. So I'm not high school student anymore. Sekarang gue udah jadi mahasiswa, bahkan mahasiswa tingkat akhir yang selalu berkutat dengan skripsinya. Well lupakan tentang skripsi sejenak. Jadi kita kita akan mulai bercerita mengenai elsa story dari 6 tahun kebelakang. Jadi sekarang gue udah kuliah di Universitas Negeri Jakarta dan memilih jurusan pendidikan kimia, kenapa begitu? karena gue suka kimia, dan kebetulan ketika SBMPTN UNJ hanya membuka programstudi pendidikan kimia saja. Sebagai mahasiswa biasa, gue selalu sibuk dengan tugas-tugas kuliah yang tidak sedikit. Gue kadang suka merasa bersalah dengan diri gue, karena selama gue kuliah gue belum menciptakan karya yang membuat gue bangga unlike my friends yang bisa menghasilkan banyak karya ditengah kesibukan kuliah. Gue merasa selama gue kuliah gue lebih memilih menjadi watcher not creator. Seiring bertambahnya usia, gue selalu berpikir berkali-kali sebelum membuat karya, ada perasaan ...